CaliSolar 得到500萬(wàn)美元籌建資金
來(lái)源:索比太陽(yáng)能 日期:2010-8-31 作者:全球電池網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊:



用這筆資金,Calisolar的項(xiàng)目將會(huì)使太陽(yáng)能電池片產(chǎn)容從每年60MW提高到每年75MW。這會(huì)提供181個(gè)工作崗位,以便滿(mǎn)足這個(gè)大的產(chǎn)品項(xiàng)目的最高生產(chǎn)水平承受能力。Calisolar將提供$20,716,00用作資金杠桿,滿(mǎn)足$25,716,002 的開(kāi)支。貸款資金將會(huì)在84個(gè)月內(nèi)還清。

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved the first loan from the Clean Energy Business Financing Program (CEBFP) to Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Calisolar, which was awarded a $5 million loan to purchase equipment to expand the manufacture of multicrystalline photovoltaic cells.

The CEBFP is using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds to provide up to $30.6 million in 2.75% low-interest loans to private businesses that improve or expand their energy efficiency or renewable energy manufacturing facilities in California.

Using these stimulus and private funds, Calisolar''s project will expand solar cell capacity production from 60 MW annually to 75 MW annually by December. The is expected to create and/or retain approximately 181 full-time equivalent jobs when operating at their maximum production levels. Calisolar is providing $20,716,00 in leveraged financing for the project''s total $25,716,002 cost. The loan will be repaid in 84 monthly payments.

上一篇: 天龍光電技術(shù)創(chuàng)新 下一篇:  慎重看待浙企轉(zhuǎn)型光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)
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