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來源:世界能源金融網(wǎng) 日期:2010-5-14 作者:全球電池網(wǎng) 點擊:

昆士蘭州政府:支持實行能源利得稅政策 前提是企業(yè)有足夠的利潤

昆士蘭州政府和昆士蘭州資源委員會(Queensland Resources Council)13日共同對外宣布將支持澳大利亞聯(lián)邦政府提出的能源利得稅政策,但前提是企業(yè)有足夠的利潤來上交稅款。

昆士蘭州州長布萊(Anna Bligh)

昆士蘭州州長布萊(Anna Bligh)


昆士蘭州州長布萊(Anna Bligh)表示將使用強制手段收取能源利得稅。

Queensland calls for CBM tax rejig

13 May 2010 14:36 GMT

The Queensland state government and the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) said they would support the Australian federal government's proposed resources super profits tax (RSPT) - but only if the significant amendments are made.

The Queensland, South Australian and Western Australian state governments all have significant problems with the RSPT, but Queensland's issues are especially acute - a raft of coalbed methan (CBM) to liquefied natural gas developments are on the table, with final investment decisions looming.

Queensland's Premier Anna Bligh told the QRC she would use "forceful diplomacy" to get amendments to the tax.

The QRC meantime has written to Australian Labor Party (ALP) members - Bligh's party - offering to brief them further on objections to to the tax.

上一篇: 新能源汽車政策將出臺 各地積極上馬充電站 下一篇:  準入標準爭議半年將出 多晶硅優(yōu)勝劣汰已經(jīng)先行
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